"As human beings, we tend to collect in our lives, like little squirrels getting ready for a long and hard winter. If you observe your habits, chances are that there is a lot more going into your home and life than you release and let go of.
The default way for humans to be, appears to be one of primitive and tribal survival mode. We have been trained through generations to hoard, save and live with a mentality of lack or in a poverty consciousness.
Hardwired to Resist Change
We seem to be hardwired to resist change or transformation, yet it is the very thing we need to go through to grow as individuals and to fulfill our life purpose.
This “default programming” is so strong that you will often see individuals hanging on to painful and negative things in their lives, like dead-end jobs and abusive relationships. The fear to let go of the familiar is powerful but needs to be overcome to make room for the next version of you.
The meaning of the word transformation is explained as “The process or result of changing from one appearance, state, or phase to another.” For this transformation to occur you need to make space for a new version of yourself to manifest, and that can only be done by having the courage to release what no longer reflects who you truly are.
It Is Scary and Takes Courage
What happens when you muster the courage needed to let go of something old is that you create a space, or vacuum in your life. This vacuum must be filled according to the “universal vacuum law of prosperity”. You can rest assured that the space you have created will be filled by something good, since the inherent nature of the universe is good.
5 Steps to Personal Growth & Transformation through Letting Go
1. Choose an area of your life that is clearly not working and let go of what is filling that space right now. This can be applied to anything you are ready to tackle from a messy closet to a calendar that is overbooked, to bigger things like a career not working for you or relationships that are past their due date.
2. When it is time to cut the cord and release the old, you may be overwhelmed by resistance and/or fear. If this happens to you, make note of these feelings and understand that it is your “primitive programming” that is kicking in. Its goal is simply to keep you alive and the survival of the species, not for you to prosper and express your life purpose...
3. Enjoy the newly created space and have a non-wavering faith that something new and better will come to you.
4. Be open-minded to receive what is coming your way, it may not arrive the way you expect it to…
5. Be grateful for what you have attracted and let it inspire you to continuously have the courage to live in a way that is transformative towards whom you truly are and your unique life purpose.
In the process of learning what you need to let go of and what can stay in your life, a life purpose reading brings insight."
By Annika Ek DHHP, RHN, CH ~ Hand Analyst & Life Purpose Coach